West Bloomfield High Open
After Bomb Threat
(compiled, Feb. 17, 2016)
West Bloomfield, MI – West Bloomfield High School held classes today in spite of a bomb threat made against the school on Twitter. The District sent out a notice to families explaining the situation, stating “The West Bloomfield School District is committed to the safety and education of all our students. Earlier today, a bomb threat was made on social media toward West Bloomfield High School. The district has been working with the West Bloomfield Police Department, and has taken extra precautions to create a safe environment. The building was secured and checked by 5 am, and the message went out to families as soon as it was feasible.
“The West Bloomfield School District administration including Superintendent Dr. Gerald Hill, Deputy Superintendent for Curriculum and Instruction Alesia Flye, and Executive Director of Human Resources Arthur Ebert, have been at West Bloomfield High School with Principal Pat Watson throughout the morning to ensure the safety of everyone. Together we visited every classroom, answering questions from both staff and students. While we witnessed lower than normal attendance, students were actively engaged in learning.
“Moving forward, the district will continue to work with Chief Patton and the West Bloomfield Police Department to ensure the safest environment possible for all students and staff. We appreciate the support of the community as we know that in uncertain times, it is important that we all work together to ensure everyone’s security.
“Police were stationed at WBHS throughout the day and we will continue to take as many security precautions as possible. We continue to do all that is possible to maintain a safe environment; but of course, we respect parents’ rights to make the best decisions for their child.”
The Detroit News reports that “The bomb threat came early from a Twitter user named @unnoticed666, and was directed to @wbhslakersports, the Twitter account for West Bloomfield High School principal Pat Watson. ‘This is what is going to happen,’ @unnoticed666 wrote in one tweet, “the bomb that my uncle and I constructed will go off if you continue this.”
For the full Detroit News report go to http://www.detroitnews.com/story/news/local/oakland-county/2016/02/17/west-bloomfield-high-school-threat/80491838/.