Mountain of Pads, Tampons,
Bras and More Collected for Homeless Women
(Crystal A. Proxmire, Feb. 15, 2016)
Ferndale, MI – Women living on the street face challenges beyond staying warm and fed. When “that time of the month” comes around, it can sometimes mean a choice between food and feminine hygiene products.
Last year a group of women came together to support women in this position. They created the first annual Mardi Bras event – a giant party with prizes to be had for bringing in personal hygiene products. The tradition continued Tuesday with dozens of people coming together for the big party. DJ Joe Barret kept the vibe going as guests at The Loving Touch in Ferndale perused tables full of prizes and volunteers sorted the massive amounts of items being brought in.
Each package of bras, panties, pads, tampons, baby wipes, and other items was swapped for a ticket for a chance at winning a prize. The prizes included over 50 items from talented local crafters, stores and restaurants in the Ferndale and Royal Oak area. There was also food, drink, music and henna painting.
Julia Music, who helped organize the event, was delighted with the turnout. “I believe the estimate is four times what they had last year,” Music said. “So many people came together to make this possible, from over a dozen volunteers, to all the businesses who donated for our raffle prizes, to everyone who came out and brought items. Ferndale showed its generosity in full force to help the homeless women in our area. There is a saying called ‘Ferndale Normal,’ and Tuesday night was exactly that.”
Music worked alonside Patricia Carlton Cissell, Nan Kerr-Mueller, and Nichole Bruster to pull together the big event.
Affirmations LGBTA Community Center, Common Ground Sanctuary, Welcome Inn Day Shelter, Renaissance Vineyard Church, Alternatives for Girls, Ruth Ellis Center, and Cody High School were among the locations that the items were donated.
“We were very fortunate to have several student volunteers. Members from the Wrestling Team, Band, Swimming team and other groups came out and helped hand out tickets and take donations to sort and take the HUGE amount of donations from our Venue to the church,” Bruster said.
“Personally, It never ceases to amaze me. Our community comes together in so many ways. Last year was just the beginning It was so wonderful to see how our event grew. We doubled the recipient list and were able to provide so many needed things to so many groups that needed them. People came from as far as New Baltimore to join us for the cause. People came in off of the street to just donate. The feedback from the recipient groups has been heartwarming as well. It’s crazy how something as simple as a pair of clean socks, underwear or a well fitting bra, can change someone’s day.”
Here are the final counts…
Bras- New 230
Bras- Gently Used 280
Packs of underwear- 415
Tampon boxes (all box sizes)- 460
Pads (ALL sizes)- 893 (104 were Sams/Costco sized)
Razors- 210
Deodorant- 134
Wet wipes- 105
Bars of Soap 391
Full size Shampoo/conditioner- 126
Socks (pairs/Packs)- 450
Lotion- 219
Body Wash (Full sized)- 32
Toothbrushes- 192
Toothpaste- 161
Travel Sized items- 103
Hats- 17
Gloves- 32
Purses- 9
Gallon sized Storage bags- 57 boxes (all quantities)
Misc items- 42
Street ready packs of items – 20
Between the main event and a taco fundraiser at Imperial, the group raised $1,400 in addition to the items, which will be divided among the charities.
Primos Pizza, Little Ceasers (9 and Rosewood), Subway (14 and Woodward), and Daily Dinette donated food for the volunteers who spent several hours sorting out the donations.
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