Ferndale Firefighter and 8
Year Old Son Struggle After House Fire
(Crystal A. Proxmire, Feb. 14, 2016)
Ferndale, MI – For over 15 years Michael Szymanski has been fighting fires and saving lives in the City of Ferndale. Now he is in the unimaginable position of trying to rebuild his life after a fire destroyed his home.
Szymanski lived in the Lapeer area with his 8 year old son. He was also caring for another child at the time the fire broke out from unknown causes.
“My first thoughts were for the children and the cats,” he said. “I got them out as quickly as I could, so they did not get hurt. But they were crying and I had to get them in my car so they could be safe and warm. I went back with a fire extinguisher but it was too late. The fire took over everything.”
The fire happened Friday, and he is still exhausted and shaken up. The Red Cross put Szymanski up in a hotel for two nights as he is waiting on word from his insurance company on what to do next.
Unbeknownst to him, a friend created a Go Fund Me page to help him with necessities as he figures out his next steps. “I know about the page now, but I’m not sure how to feel about it. I don’t like asking for help, but I don’t know what to do either. I don’t know how I am going to repay everybody for all this.”
Szymanski has insurance on the house and will be reimbursed for some of the belongings, but all of his personal items and his son’s things are gone. The night before the fire, he’d spent setting up his son’s Playstation 4.
“All his Christmas presents are gone. All our clothes are gone. You don’t think about what you need until you need it. I’m at the hotel and I don’t even have my flip flops to put on to walk around the hotel in. I can’t even describe it. And I don’t even know what we need. Or where we will be tomorrow night.”
The longtime firefighter wanted everyone to know that the City has been very helpful and he’s been contacted by the Human Resources Director, the Fire Chief and fellow employees. “I’ve had so many calls and texts and I can’t get back to everyone. My phone died yesterday and I didn’t realize the charger had burned up. I got a new one today but I just can’t get back to everyone there are so many.”
There have been a number of people asking how they can help, and there is a GoFundMe page at https://www.gofundme.com/fedprd8s where people can make donations.
As far as needing specific items, he said he is not sure what he needs until he knows where he will be staying or how long it will take to rebuild.
Szymanski will be returning to work this week to continue the task of saving others from fires like the one he experienced. “I can’t think of how many fires I’ve seen, but when it’s happening right in front of you, to your own house, to your own life, I can’t even describe it. The kids were the important thing though. They are okay.”
For updates or to donate go to https://www.gofundme.com/fedprd8s.