Fair Michigan Ends Ballot
Initiative for Equal Rights
(Fair Michigan Press Release, Jan. 29, 2016)
Lansing, MI – Fair Michigan will not be moving forward in 2016, announced the two co-chairs of the initiative to amend Michigan’s Constitution to prohibit discrimination against any Michigander on the basis of gender, gender identity, sex or sexual orientation.
“2016 presented a real, unique opportunity to give Michigan voters the chance at long last to update and expand our Constitution to prevent discrimination and ensure everyone is treated fairly after too many years of legislative inaction,” said Dana Nessel, co-chair of Fair Michigan. “We had the right language at the right time, backed by detailed research that demonstrated Michiganders of all political affiliations, backgrounds and communities across the state would have been behind this effort. Unfortunately, politics got in the way and created barriers to long-term success.
“All worthwhile civil rights battles must start somewhere and this effort is no different. Unfortunately, women and the LGBT community will not receive equal protections under the constitution in 2016, but this does not mark the end of my efforts to amend the constitution to guarantee that everyone is equal. I am committed to solving this critical problem in Michigan,” added Nessel.
The Fair Michigan ballot committee had its official petition language approved by the Board of State Canvassers at their Dec. 29 meeting.
Over the last month, the coalition received many endorsements, including: Oakland County Executive, and noted Republican, L. Brooks Patterson, the National Organization for Women in Michigan and the American Association of University Women in Michigan.
“Ensuring equal rights and protections for all Michiganders bridges the partisan divide and is the defining civil rights issue that still must be addressed – because it’s the right to do and because it’s necessary for our state, communities and businesses to truly thrive and have a strong economic future,” said Richard McLellan, co-chair of Fair Michigan.
More information on Fair Michigan can be found at http://www.fairmichigan.org/2016/01/fair-michigan-ends-2016-ballot-initiative-campaign/.
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