Novi Lego Robotics Team
Wins State, Heads to International Competition
(Jyothi Palakodati, Jan. 1, 201)
NOVI, MI –Rapid Robots, which is a First Lego League Lego Robotics team of six Novi students, won the First Lego League (FLL) State Championship tournament at Monroe, MI on December 12th, 2015.
FLL is a global competition involving 233,000 children ages 9 to 16, from over 80 countries. FLL Tournament consists of three categories that include the Robot game, Core Values and Project. The Team that demonstrates exceptional performance in all three categories wins the championship award.
This year’s FLL challenge is TrashTrek and as part of the Project category, the team performed an extensive study on Recycling and its awareness. The Team presented their project in front of various forums and implemented their solutions within the Novi community including contributing to the City of Novi Recycling RFP (Request for Proposal), the replacement of styrofoam products at a local place of worship cafeteria with paper products and many more.
This is the second year of FLL Robotics for the team consisting of four 5th graders from Novi Meadows- Krithi Palakodati, Grace Chacko, Nithin Jayaraju, Vishal Boyapati, Soumit Addanki and one 4th grader from Novi Woods – Ishya Morasa. The Team won the top most championship award at the State Tournament and the opportunity to represent Michigan at the Invitational Worlds, held during the May 22-25th weekend, at LegoLand, California. Congratulations to the team!