Dinner and a Movie: Give Me
Shelter Nov. 18 in Wixom
(EVENT page)
FREE DINNER AND A MOVIE! All you need to do is RSVP!
St. Matthew Lutheran Church Wixom is providing salad, pizza, beverages and a showing of “Gimme Shelter” for free! You’ll also have the chance to win the DVD. Please join us for food, a flick, and great company!
Please RSVP/register by Wed. evening, 11/18 so that we can plan for the right amount of food. Thanks so much! Hope to see you there!
Mary – 248.231-3632 or mewalden@comcast.net
About the Movie:
“Gimme Shelter”
(2014, rated PG-13)
She’s 16 and the daughter of a prostitute & drug addict who abuses her. Agnes “Apple” Bailey knows that she wants a different life from the one she’s known with her mother. She runs away to find the birth father she’s never known…and then learns she’s pregnant. Can she find hope, shelter & a family to call her own? (the extraordinary true story of one girl’s courageous fight against the odds)
Have a teen daughter?
Why not see this film with her?
Afterwards, we’ll talk about this thought-provoking movie…
and one lucky person will win a DVD of “Gimme Shelter!”
Free will offering –
for the food & film.
Please RSVP/register by Wed. evening, 11/18
so that we can plan for the right amount of food.
Thanks so much!
Mary – 248.231-3632 or mewalden@comcast.net
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