2015 Election Results
(oc115 Staff, Nov. 3, 2015)
Election Results will be updated as they become available. The results listed below come from the Oakland County Clerk’s Office, and are unofficial until verified. For more detailed info on any of the races go to the Oakland County Clerk’s Election page at https://www.oakgov.com/clerkrod/elections.
Auburn Hills
In Auburn Hills there were four open seats. Cheryl A. Verbke got 1059 votes, Kevin McDaniel got 1168, Maureen Hammond got 1031 votes, and Bob Kittle got 1012. Those who did not make it were Thomas Coolman with 485 votes, Sean Johnson with 521 votes, and Adam Tritchie with 266 votes.
Mayor Phil O’Dwyer is unopposed in the race. The incumbents have won for Berkley City Council. Daniel Terbrack got 1547 votes. Alan Kideckel got 1464 votes. Eileen Steadman got 1195 votes. Challenger Nancy Line did not make it into a seat. She got 984 votes.
Voters were asked if they wanted to keep the city logo the same. 1524 people voted yes. 488 voted no.
In Birmingham 13 candidates ran for four vacant City Commission seats. The winners were: Pierre Boutros with 2029 votes, Patty Bordman with 1857 votes, Andrew Harris with 1617 votes and Carroll DeWeese with 1492 votes.
Those who did not make it were Patricia Edwards with 1410 votes, Stuart Jeffares with 1312 votes, Daniel Share with 1121 votes, David Potts with 1096 votes, Nancy Fowler with 997 votes, Linda Peterson with 231 votes, Barry Powers with 172 votes, Corey Jacoby with 134 votes and De Angello Espree with 124 votes.
Bloomfield Hills
Bloomfield Hills had 9 candidates running for 5 open City Commission seats. The top five vote-getters were Sarah McClure with 517 votes, Stuart David Sherr with 510 votes, Michael Dul with 457 votes, Mike Coakley with 453 votes and Susan McCarthy with 401 votes. Those who did not make it were Henry Baskin with 323 votes, Mark Edward Kapel with 240 votes, Ronni Keating with 229 votes and Edith Carter with 94 votes.
In Clarkston 4 people ran for 3 council seats. Jason Knesic got 171 votes and will serve along with Eric Haven who got 156 votes and Michael Cascone who got 104 votes. David Marsh did not make it. Marsh got 139 votes.
There was also a partial term seat up for grabs, which Alfread Avery won with 156 votes. Peggy Roth got 68 votes.
Mayor Penny Luebs was unopposed and will remain in her position.
Newcomer Matthew Ulbrich got the most votes, with 854. Howie Airress has been re-elected with 713 votes. Gregory Kucera Jr. was not re-elected. He got 655 votes.
In Farmington there was no competition for City Council, so Sara Bowman, Greg Cowley and Steven Schneemann will serve.
Farmington Hills
For Farmington Hills Kenneth D. Massey got 9112 votes for Mayor, winning over Michael Bridges who got 4,232 votes. or City Council the winners are Richard Lerner with 8879 votes, Theresa Rich with 8494 votes, and Randy Bruce with 7820 votes. Those who did not make it are William Miller II with 4421 votes and Al Zaparackas with 2579 votes.
Ferndale Mayor Dave Coulter was unopposed in this race.
Mayor Pro Tem Dan Martin has been re-elected with 1,747 votes. Raylon Leaks-May has also been elected with 1,434 votes. William White got 726 votes. In Ferndale the Charter Amendment passed with 71.23% in favor and 28.77% opposed.
Hazel Park
Hazel Park Mayor Jan Parisi maintains her position as she was unopposed in this election.
The current Hazel Park City Council members have all been re-elected. Jeffrey Keeton got 816 votes. Michael Webb got 790 votes. Andy LeCureaux got 775 votes. Tom Selman got 661 votes.
Challenges Amy Aubry and Alissa Sullivan did not make it. Aubry had 615 votes and Sullivan had 624 votes.
Huntington Woods
Huntington Woods results show Robert Paul winning the Mayor’s seat with 1509 votes. David Sloan received 1046 votes. For the full term City Commissioner seat there were four people running for two open seats. Jeffrey Jenks got 1264 votes and Allison Iversen got 1257 votes. Not making it were Aaron Sullivan with 1233 votes and Louise Wibbelman with 1124 votes.
Joe Rozell was elected to fill a partial term on the City Commission. He got 1523 votes. Tom Lurie got 972 votes for that seat.
Keego Harbor
Voters in Keego Harbor said yes to marijuana and no to term limits. Voters approved a proposal that said nothing in the city’s code of ordinances would apply to marijuana under one ounce by anyone 21 or older. This passed with 260 yes votes to 210 no votes.
Also on the ballot was a proposal to introduce term limits. 294 people voted no, 175 voted yes.
Keego Harbor voters also selected two City Councilpeople. Joel Yoder got 328 votes and John Newberry got 341 votes. Not making it were Phil Trzos with 130 votes and Peter Trzos with 93 votes.
Lake Angelus
There was no competition for the three City Council seats in Lake Angelus. Rich Altherr, Joe Hilger and Daniel Jenaras will serve.
Lathrup Village
Voter in Lathrup Village turned down a proposal that would have set term limits for elected officials. 504 people voted no and 315 voted yes. Voters also picked three City Council members: Donna Stallings with 492 votes, Kelly (MyKale) Garrett with 475 votes and Ian Ferguson with 381 votes. Those who did not make it were Bruce Copus with 340 votes and Mike Keenan with 333 votes.
Madison Heights
In Madison Heights longtime Mayor Edward Swanson was unseated by Brian Hartwell. Hartwell got 1854 votes. Swanson got 1016.
There was no competition for City Council, so Robert Corbett Jr, Bob Gettings and Margene Scott will retain their seats.
In Novi current Mayor Bob Gatt has been re-elected. Gatt got 3917 votes. Not making it were Gwen Markham with 1861 votes and Jason Dorsch with 170 votes. For Novi City Council there were four canddates for three seats. Laura Casey got 4637 votes, Wayne Wrobel got 4148 votes and David Staudt got 4091 votes. Talat Patel got 1304 votes.
There was also a race for a partial term seat. Brian Burke was victorious with 3285 votes. Andrew Sarpolis got 2236 votes.
Oak Park
Oak Park Mayor Marian McClellan has been re-elected. She beat challenger Aaron Tobin. McClellan got 3018 votes, while Tobin got 963 votes.
There was no competition for the two open City Council seats. Solomon Radner and Ken Rich will be filling those positions.
Orchard Lake
Check back for updates
Pleasant Ridge
City Commissioners Jason Krzysiak and Ann Perry had no competition for their seats and will continue to serve.
In Rochester there were three full term City Council seats and one partial term. Multiple candidates ran, with Kim Russell getting 1599 votes, Rob Ray getting 1496 votes and Ben Giovanelli getting 1279 votes to take the top three spots. The two-year partial term goes to Ann Peterson who got 1234 votes.
Rochester Hills
In Rochester Hills Mayor Bryan Barnett won a write-in campaign. The total number of write-in votes for the city is 9,708 though that may also include other write ins. Rochester Hills City Charter has term limits, but gives an official the opportunity to run again if done as a write-in, which was successful for Barnett. Ravi Yalamanchi and Jim Stevens were on the ballot. Yalamanchi got 7120 votes and Stevens got 1413.
There were two at large seats up for grabs. Mark Tisdel and Deale Hetrick won those seat, with Tisdel getting 10624 votes and Hetrick getting 7036 votes. Bill Soule was unsuccessful, with 6942 votes.
For the 2nd District City Council Seat, Adam Kochenderfer ran unopposed. For the 3rd District City Council seat, Susan Bowyer got 1609 votes, beating Julie Granthen who had 1486 votes.
Royal Oak
Royal Oak voters have kept the incumbents in. Mayor Jim Ellison was unopposed in the race. He returns along with City Commissioners Patricia Paruch (4451 votes), Mike Fournier (4614 votes) and Kyle DuBuc (4094 votes). Challenger Kim Gibbs got 2943 votes.
Royal Oak also had five ballot measures, which were to clean up old language in the City Charter. Those all passed.
South Lyon
In South Lyon, John Galeas Jr won for may, getting 632 votes. He beat Harvey Wedell who had 571 votes, and Tedd Wallace who had 565.
For City Council there were four seats and seven candidates. Joe Ryzvi got 1193 votes, Margaret Kurtzweil got 976 votes and Mary Dedakis got 680 votes. These four beat Erin Kopkowski, Ray Crawford, Beverly Dixon and Eric Kukielka.
In Southfield Kenson Siver has won the seat of Mayor for a partial term. Siver got 7119 votes. Sylvia Jordan got 5350 votes.
There were four seats available on City Council, and multiple candidates running. Tawanya Morris got 7215 votes, Donald Fracassi got 6637 votes, Daniel Brightwell got 6076 votes and Lloyd Crews got 5991. As the fourth highest vote-getter, Crews will be filling a partial term seat on City Council.
Voters in Southfield also decided to do away with primaries for local election. 6929 people voted in favor of eliminating them, while 4618 voted no.
Troy Mayor Dane Slater ran unopposed in the election. For City Council, Dave Henderson, Edna Abrahim and Ethan Baker won. Jim Campbell ran unopposed for the partial term seat.
Walled Lake
In Walled Lake five people ran for three seats. The winners were Tamra Loch, Susan Helke and Casey Ambrose.
Wixom Mayor Kevin Hinkley earned 917 votes, beating out challenger Nick Kennedy who got 679 votes. In the City Council race, six people ran for three seats. The victors were Richard Ziegler with 937 votes, Keenan Gottschall with 917 votes and Robert Smiley with 910 votes.
School Districts
Voters supported school millage renewals in Farmington Public Schools, Ferndale Public Schools, and Troy School District. A bonding proposal for Rochester Community Schools also passed.
For previous election related stories see https://oaklandcounty115.com/2015/11/02/2015-election-stories/.