I’m voting Yes for Ferndale Schools on Nov. 3, and YOU WON’T BELIEVE WHAT WILL HAPPEN…
Amy Butters: Why I’m Voting Yes for Ferndale Schools Nov. 3
(Guest View by Amy Butters, Ferndale Schools Trustee, Nov. 2, 2015)
I’m voting Yes for Ferndale Schools on Nov. 3, and you won’t believe what will happen…
1. My tax bill stays the same. In fact, as a homeowner in the Ferndale School District, I do not pay this tax. The Non- Homestead Operating Tax Levy is for industrial, commercial and rental properties. This millage does not affect my tax bill.
2. Taxes for businesses stay the same. Businesses are already paying this tax. The question on the Nov. 3 ballot is asking voters to allow it to continue, at the same level. Businesses will not pay higher taxes as a result of this millage.
3. The Ferndale School District keeps a significant piece of its funding pie. The money from this millage accounts for 14% of the school district’s budget. I do not want to think about what might have to be cut if voters do not approve this millage. What I’m sure of is that it would not be good for our students and teachers if this millage does not pass.
4. Our schools stay strong. Students thrive here. That can only happen with a financially healthy district. School funding in our state is complicated, and it takes a strong partnership between government and community to make sure our schools have enough money. This is the time for voters to do our part, to continue to show that children’s education is a priority here.
5. Our whole community stays strong. I am the mom of three Ferndale Schools students. I have a lot at stake, and so do the other parents in our community, so it’s easy for us to vote yes. But we are also counting on yes voters from all across the population, because that is what it will take to get this millage passed. A well- educated population and strong school district are good for business and our whole community. A yes vote is what it will take to help keep us all financially healthy, vibrant and smart.
Please join me in voting Yes on Nov. 3. -Amy Butters Ferndale Board of Education trustee
For more info on the millage, check out this interview with Ferndale Schools Superintendent Blake Prewitt: https://oaklandcounty115.com/2015/10/17/ferndale-schools-superintendent-talks-about-2015-millage-video/.
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