Leon & Lulu Hosting
FernCare Fundraiser Nov. 1
(EVENT page)
Get a jump on your holiday shopping while sampling great wines for fall and appetizers from Dino’s – all to benefit FernCare Free Clinic! Leon & Lulu has welcomed us back for our 4th year and is generously donating 10% of the afternoon’s sales to FernCare. Need a creative gift? A unique outfit? Luxurious bath and body products? One-of-a-kind home furnishings? Come shop with us at Leon & Lulu!
When: This Sunday, November 1. 1pm-4:30pm
Where: Leon & Lulu is located at 96 West 14 Mile Road in Clawson, just west of Main Street. www.leonandlulu.com
FernCare Free Clinic serves uninsured adults from all across metro Detroit. More information on FernCare can be found at www.ferncare.org
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