Pontiac: Fashion Show to
Support Fraternity Nov. 21
(EVENT page)
The professional men of Omicron Alpha Alpha Chapter of Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc. leaders and heroes will hit the runway wearing the hottest trends in fall fashion on Saturday, November 21, 2015, at the beautiful Lafayette Grand Ball Room in Pontiac.
This first annual fashion show will benefit the fraternity’s education and community service projects.
The 7 p.m. event will include a social hour of hors d’oeuvres and cocktails, silent male auction and music, an 8 p.m. fashion show and after party.
Lafayette Grande Ball Room is located at 1 Lafayette Street in Pontiac.
The Broadway, HOT SAM’s, Suit Club Warehouse, T.J.Maxx, Fashions International, and RHJ Clothier will provide clothing. Chuck Bennett, Detroit’s undisputed guru of style, will make a guest appearance and model during the show.
“We are proud of this opportunity to engage others in helping us continue the level of giving and improving lives of people in Pontiac and surrounding communities,” said Dr. Willie Payne, fraternity member and fashion show organizer. For 35 years Omicron Alpha Alpha Chapter has participated in activities including voter registration drives, awarding scholarships, working with Habitat for Humanities, mentoring programs and much more.
Today, Omega Psi Fraternity Inc., a (501c3) organization, has over 700 chapters throughout the United States, Bermuda, Bahamas, Virgin Islands, Korea, Japan, Liberia, Germany and Kuwait.
“The organization continues to flourish largely because of the generosity of others and those participating in this event,” Payne concluded. Tickets are $25 and $35 VIP.
Tickets can be purchased online at www.eventbrite.com/e/the-pontiac-ques-leaders-and-heroes-fashion-show-tickets-18107878151.
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