Hope Warming Center
Seeking Winter Item Donations
(Hope Press Release, Oct. 25, 2015)
Please, while you’re pulling out your fall and winter clothes, consider donating items to HOPE Hospitality & Warming Center/HOPE Adult Shelter. Donated items go directly to our homeless brothers and sisters.
Jackets, Socks (long, thick socks), Jeans, Sweat Pants, Warm Pants, T-shirts, Hoodies, Sweaters (casual), Flannel Shirts, Warm Winter Coats, Warm Gloves, Scarves, Hats, Winter Boots, etc. Items don’t have to be new. Clean, gently used clothing, boots, and backpacks are gratefully accepted! Larger sizes (L–4X) are most needed because dressing in layers is necessary to stay warm during the winter for our homeless friends. ** Please share this need with others! **
Clean, gently used items can be dropped off at HOPE Adult Shelter, 249 Baldwin Ave, Pontiac. Their phone number is (248) 499-7345.