Brownies and Cadettes Take Stand Against Microbeads
(Girl Scouts of SE Michigan Press Release, Oct. 25, 2015)
They’re called microbeads and the tiny particles can cause a huge environmental threat. Just ask the Cadettes and Brownies who attended the Water Warrior Day Camp at Lake St. Clair Metropark this summer. The Brownies learned about these toxins from the older Cadettes (as part of the cadettes’ earning their Leader in Action award) during their 3-day experience, and presented their concerns to Congresswoman Candice Miller.
“These microbeads pose a serious threat to the Great Lakes, which account for over 20 percent of the world’s fresh water drinking supply, and it is imperative that we take action,” said Miller, who recently co-sponsored the Microbead-Free Waters Act of 2015 (H.R. 1321) aimed at banning the production and distribution of household products that contain synthetic mircrobeads. And Take Action is something Girl Scouts know just how to do!
What are microbeads? They are tiny particles of plastics used in cosmetic and personal care products (like toothpaste) that are too small to be filtered in water treatment plants. They are released into our lakes and oceans. Fish eat them and get sick. Those fish are eaten by bigger fish and according to GSSEM Troop Leader Josephine Starceski, “We are eating the bigger fish and ingesting microbeads, too!”
And the girls heard the message! Starceski said, “You don’t really know if middle school girls are conveying the correct message to 2nd and 3rd graders. We discussed, practiced and reminded the Leaders in Action of the Journey goals. On the third day, our guest speaker from Congresswoman Miller’s office arrived. The girls had their display assembled in the Lake St. Clair Metropark nature center and our guest speaker started a conversation with the girls. It was then I knew the message got through!”
Pictures and the Congresswoman’s acknowledgment of this project can be found on her Facebook page at
Girl Scouts of SE Michigan helps girls discover strengths, passions and talents. “Today, as yesterday, we continue the Girl Scout mission of building girls of courage, confidence, and character who make the world a better place. We’re the preeminent leadership development organization for girls. And with programs for girls from coast to coast and across the globe, Girl Scouts offers every girl a chance to do something amazing. Girl Scouting builds girls of courage, confidence, and character, who make the world a better place,” says the groups website.