Ferndale: What’s on Your Ballot? (Compilation of Election Stories)
(oc115 Staff, Oct. 21, 2015)
Election Day is Nov. 3, 2015 and Ferndale voters have some choices to make. There are votes for council, a ballot question, and a non-homestead millage renewal to be considered by those who live in the Ferndale School District.
For City Council there are three candidates running for two seats: Dan Martin (incumbent), Raylon Leaks-May, and William White. Mayor Dave Coulter is up for re-election as well, but there is no opposition for that position. Each council candidate did a video interview with the oc115. The oc115 also recorded a candidate meet-and-greet with the Ferndale Seniors. And there is information on a Citizens for Fair Ferndale Forum that is coming up on Oct. 24.
The ballot question will ask voters to adopt a change to the City Charter in order make the Charter match state law pertaining to nominating petitions. And the school funding question asks voters to renew a 20 year assessment on businesses and landlords.
Click on the title pictures below to be taken to our previous articles. Also if you have questions on where to vote or other election-related information, visit the City Clerk’s page of the City of Ferndale website at www.ferndalemi.gov/Services/Elections.