Pledge_TOP_blueRochester Hills Man Shoots CFSEM-123-OaklandCounty115-digital-ad_v2Self in Head Playing Russian Roulette
(Oakland County Sheriff’s Dept, Oct. 19, 2015)
FROM DAY SHIFT:  10-16-2015
INCIDENT:  18:23 hrs. – City of Rochester Hills – Accidental Shooting #15-169602
ctechadSUMMARY:  Deputies and the Rochester Hills Fire Department responded to an address in the 200 block of Marias Drive in the Rochester Estates Mobile Home Park for an accidental shooting. Deputies found a male subject on the kitchen floor suffering from a gunshot wound to the head. A witness was holding a towel to stop the bleeding while on the phone with 911.  Medical personnel stabilized the victim and then transported him to Crittenton Hospital.
OUTCOME OF INCIDENT:  The investigation revealed that the victim had been playing video games when he decided that he wanted to play “Russian Roulette” instead.  A witness stated that the victim retrieved a gun from another room, placed the gun to his temple, and pulled the trigger.  The witnesses immediately called 911 and began to administer first aid.  The victim made no suicidal statements and witnesses originally thought it was a joke.  seed48220healingDetectives responded to the scene to continue the investigation.  An evidence technician processed the scene. Alcohol is not believed to be a factor. The victim is still in critical condition as of 10-19-15.
VICTIM INFORMATION:  20 year old male, resident of Rochester Hills. 
NOTE:  Police Reports come directly from the Police Department or agency involved and are written by the person or agency listed below the title.  We generally run these “as is” or with minimal editing for punctuation, spelling, etc. Suspects should not be presumed guilty. Those needing more information about a case are encouraged to follow up with the reporting agency or court system for the most current information.
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