DanMartinCouncilAdtopWilliamWhite2015topCFF Hosting Ferndale RaylonAd2015Candidate Forum Oct. 24
(EVENT page)
On Saturday, October 24, 2015, Citizens for a Fair Ferndale (CFF) will hold a   City Council Candidate and Mayoral Forum at the Ferndale Library at 1:00 pm.   The event will also be recorded and submitted to WFRN for airing until Election Day, and will be available on oc115.com.
The public and the media are encouraged to attend. CFF has invited all declared City Council blumz07candidates: Dan Martin, Raylon Leaks- May and William White. There will also be a question and answer session with   Dave Coulter who is running unopposed for Mayor.
The format is simple: 1. All declared Candidates are invited to participate. 2. Candidates are at a table in the front of the room. 3. Each Candidate will have an opportunity to give a 3 minute introduction. 4. As people come in, they are given 3 x 5 cards to use for questions. These are gathered periodically and brought to the moderator. The moderator then poses the questions to the candidates. Each Candidate has 2 minutes to answer each question.   The order of response changes so each has a chance to be first. 5. There is a timer to help pace answers. 6. Each Candidate NewWay_Jazz_Tuesdayswill have an opportunity to give a closing statement.
Click here for CFF’s complete Forum Guidelines
CFF’s mission is to foster a community that is dedicated to the fair and equal   treatment of all residents and visitors regardless of sexual orientation, race, color,  religion, gender, gender identity or expression, age, height, weight, familial status,   national origin, physical or mental ability.
For more event listings go to http://oaklandcounty115.com/events/
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