Ferndale Schools Auctioning
Items Online Oct. 6
(EVENT page)
Ferndale Schools has contracted with Biddergy.com to sell surplus assets on Tuesday October 6th! The auction will consist of school furniture, computers, electronics, sporting goods, maintenance items, supplies, and much more! This is a great opportunity to bid on gently used items especially the early childcare items and computers!
Pre-Auction Inspection
Monday October 5th 10:00am – 4:00pm
427 Allen Street Ferndale, MI 48220
Online Auction – Tuesday October 6th 8:00am – 8:00pm Online at www.biddergy.com
Post-Auction Pick-up – Wednesday October 7th 10:00am – 4:00pm, 427 Allen Street Ferndale, MI 48220
Individuals who wish to participate but do not have computer access may contact Biddergy.com at (866) 260-1611 for more information.
To date, Biddergy.com has buyers and sellers from all 50 States and from over 170 Countries! Biddergy.com has also obtained national media attention for providing services to clients such as Detroit Public Schools, Highland Park Schools, and others currently under Emergency Management. Biddergy.com’s client base ranges from public/private corporations, police agencies, public schools, financial institutions, the general public, and many more!
Check out the items at https://www.biddergy.com/catalog.asp?catid=18059.
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