Interview: Matthew Ulbrich, Candidate for Clawson City Council (video)
(C. Proxmire, Sept. 20, 2015)
On November 3, 2015 voters in Clawson will see three names on the ballot for City Council, with the option of choosing two. Howie Airriess and Gregory J. Kucera, Jr. are seeking re-election, and newcomer Matthew Ulbrich has also thrown his hat in the ring.
“I can’t say that I’m a disgruntled resident or that there’s anything, any one big issue that I’m latching on to that I want to see changed. I don’t want to over-throw the city government or turn the city council upside down, but I do think that I have an energy,” Ulbrich said. “About half of Clawson residents are under the age of 40… I think council could use a little bit of diversity in that regard.”
Ulbrich is 33, but will turn 34 before the term begins. He has lived in Clawson with his family for eight years and is active in his church. He works as a digital project manager specializing in marketing and training.
In his interview with oc115, Ulbrich talked about improving marketing in the city and building collaborations within the city and with other levels of government.
Check out Ulbrich’s interview below, and Sign up for daily headlines so you don’t miss future interviews and other news.
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Please note that the oc115 does not endorse any political candidates. Nor are statements made by candidates in this video series fact-checked. This series is an attempt at introducing oc115 readers to as many candidates in Oakland County as possible and we are doing our best to make sure that each candidate has an opportunity.