Interview: Alissa Sullivan,
Candidate for Hazel Park City Council (video)
(C. Proxmire, Sept. 13, 2015)
Alissa Sullivan is one of two newcomers to the world of Hazel Park politics.
Sullivan and Amy Aubry are friends who recently experienced municipal governance from a resident perspective as they fought against a dog ban in the city.
Yet the experience has inspired them to be more involved. They are not running as a slate, but Sullivan said “we support one another and hope we get elected together.”
There are four seats up for election, and all four incumbents – Jeffrey A. Keaton, Andy LeCrueaux, Tom Selman and Michael Webb – are running.
Mayor Jan Parisi is up for re-election but is running unopposed
In her interview, Sullivan talked about the importance of volunteering and her idea to create a central database for volunteers to connect. She also said that “hard work makes us a more resilient city.”
She is a 14 year resident who works as a bartender and also has experience in teaching. Though she has not been involved in politics before she is excited to learn. “At one point we’re all new to it,” she said.
Among the topics she hopes to tackle are communications issues, landlord licensing, and streamlining the process for bringing in new businesses.
Check out Sullivan’s interview below, and Sign up for daily headlines so you don’t miss future interviews and other news.
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Please note that the oc115 does not endorse any political candidates. Nor are statements made by candidates in this video series fact-checked. This series is an attempt at introducing oc115 readers to as many candidates in Oakland County as possible and we are doing our best to make sure that each candidate has an opportunity.