Knitters Needed to Yarn Bomb
(Birmingham Public Arts Board Press Release, Aug. 8, 2015)
The Birmingham Public Arts Board is seeking volunteers to participate in its “Birmingham in Stitches” public art yarn bombing project. This project will involve knitting/crocheting large-scale objects for placement onto trees, parking meter posts, light posts, bicycle racks and benches.
This project is intended to involve the Birmingham community in an interactive public art project and to raise awareness for public art programs in Birmingham, including the CityScapes partnership between the City and the Cultural Council of Birmingham-Bloomfield. The project will be installed from September 19-28, and may be extended through October 11, based upon weather conditions and the condition of the installations.
Volunteers are needed to help with knitting and crocheting the displays, installation & de-installation of displays, and other aspects of the project. Volunteers of all ages and abilities are welcome and encouraged, as are groups. For more information or to volunteer to participate in the event, contact Linda Wells at (248) 647-1165.
City of Birmingham – A Walkable Community. Visit the city’s web site at