GallowayCollensTOPsunsetREVISEDWoman Punches Deputy and chazzano game adCrowd Control Officer at Run DMC Concert
(Oakland County Sheriff’s Dept, July 21, 2015)
INCIDENT:  21:27 hrs. – Independence Township / DTE Music Theatre – Resisting and Obstructing Police / Assault on a Police Officer #15-114641
SUMMARY:  Deputies working the Run DMC concert at the DTE Music Theatre were requested to assist DTE Crowd Control personnel with ejecting a patron from the venue. Reid_Sally_115Deputies were advised that a female patron was seated in the pavilion area without tickets and was refusing to leave.  Deputies approached the woman and began to escort her from the pavilion.  When the female reached the aisle way she punched one of the deputies in the face and attempted to flee.  The second deputy and crowd control personnel were trying to regain control of her when she punched one of the crowd control employees in the face as well. Deputies were able to regain control of the woman and she was escorted out to the concourse area.
OUTCOME OF INCIDENT:  Upon reaching the concourse the female refused to walk any further and had to be placed in a wheelchair for transport to a waiting patrol car.  Throughout the incident the female continued to try and pull away from deputies and shouted obscenities dinos02sidelogo3at them.  The female was subsequently lodged at the Oakland County Jail.
ADDENDUM:  After reviewing the incident report, the Oakland County Prosecutor’s Office issued a two-count warrant against the woman for Assault on a Police Officer and Assault & Battery. She is expected to be arraigned late on 07-21-2015 at the 52-2nd District Court.
ARRESTEE INFORMATION: 43 year old female; resident of the City of Flushing, MI.
NOTE:  Police Reports come directly from the Police Department or agency involved and are written by the person or agency listed below the title.  We generally run these “as is” or with minimal editing for punctuation, spelling, etc. Suspects should not be presumed guilty. Those needing more information about a case are encouraged to follow up with the reporting agency or court system for the most current information.
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