Drone’s Eye View of Downtown
Ferndale (video and photos)
(John Rozsa, Detroit Electronics, July 1, 2015)
An evening in June was well-spent by quad-copter enthusiast John Rozsa. Commonly called “drones,” mini aircraft such as the one Rozsa uses hover in the air and can take beautiful shots of scenery or events. Click on the thumbnail pictures below for the full photo, and zoom in to see more detail.
If anyone needs aerial photography services, Rozsa has packages starting out for as little as $25. Contact him on Facebook at Detroit Aerial Photography.
Drones are used for a number of purposes, including:
-Commercial photography and filming
-Wedding photography and filming
-Event photography and filming
-News photography and filming
-Arborists using drones to inspect trees
-Landscape planning
-Construction applications like building and roof inspection
-Site planning and surveying
-Recreational use
-Promotional videos
-Documentary production
-Band, dance and performance groups using drones to improve their routines
-Sports teams using drones to share their games and improve their games
-Real estate agents and destination locations using drones to better showcase their properties
-Delivery of items
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