Ferndale Community
Foundation Awards $7,600 in Grants to Local Groups
(Crystal A. Proxmire, June 23, 2015)
Music. Arts. Families. Love. The priorities of the Ferndale Community seem well reflected in the $7,600 worth of grants awarded by the Ferndale Community Foundation Monday night.
New this year is the Ferndale Concert Band, which is comprised of 64 people of many ages and experiences coming together with a professional conductor to make beautiful music to share with the community.
Among the members are band teachers, military band members, Ferndale High School Alumni from recent to as far back as the 1970s, people who play professionally and some with less experience but just as much heart. Sharon Chess, who co-organized the band with Timothy Brennan, was there to accept a $2,500 grant from the Community Foundation.
“Music is expensive,” Chess said when asked what the funds would be used for. The band has had startup costs that so far have been covered by members themselves. Members pay $30 per year to be part, but having some funds gives the group a better start. “I was surprised how much the music costs. It’s between $40-$200 to have the right to play these songs,” she said. The group also pays the conductor, has room rental expenses, maintenance, and promotional materials. The group’s first concert is tonight, for more info see https://oaklandcounty115.com/2015/06/09/ferndale-community-concert-band-debut-performance-june-23/)
The Ferndale Arts and Cultural Commission also got a grant. They were given $1,500 to put towards their Salon Sundays events. These gatherings showcase performance art in a casual community atmosphere where people can watch a performance then talk about it afterward.
Ferndale Youth Assistance got a $1,100 grant. FYA “does development programs for at risk youth and students and their families. The assistance doesn’t just stop with the students but it’s a family-inclusive response,” said Dan Martin, Chair of the Ferndale Community Foundation. FYA provides counseling and resources to help teens stay out of the criminal justice system. There are also classes for parents, and summer camp for kids.
Backpacks of Love is another new program this year. While backpack collection drives often happen at the beginning of the school year, Backpacks of Love is different. With this program backpacks are filled with food for students to take home with them on Friday and bring back them to school on Monday. “We have great food programs during the course of the week [at the school] but this will support thhe families who need support over the weekend as well,” Martin said.
“The Ferndale Community Foundation raises money from events such as Ferndale Pride, Taste of Ferndale, Drag Queen Bingo and individual contributions,” Martin said. For more information or to donate directly go to www.ferndalecommunityfoundation.org.