Courthouse Gets Five New
Trees Thanks to ReLeaf Michigan
(C. Proxmire, June 7, 2015)
A lovely spring day was celebrated on June 3 as officials from Oakland County, DTE and ReLeaf Michigan gathered to plant five trees at the south end of the County Courthouse in Pontiac. Two Princeton Elms and three Red Buds were added to the already beautiful landscape of the complex.
ReLeaf Michigan has been adding to the tree population of the state for 25 years, focusing mainly on planting trees on public property. Over 28,000 trees have been planted in that time. DTE Energy Foundation supports the project.
Among those in attendance were Melinda Jones, Executive Director for ReLeaf Michigan, Fred Shell, VP of Corporate and Governmental Affairs for DTE Energy, L. Brooks Patterson, Oakland County Executive, Phillip Goulding, Chief of Landscape Services, Mike Palchesko, Regional Manager for DTE Energy and Art Holdsworth, Director of Facilities Management..
The benefits of planting trees are plentiful.
According to ReLeaf “Healthy trees in our communities improve our environment. In addition to the visual impact of trees, tree canopies and root systems provide a natural filter to our water supply and reduce storm water runoff, flooding, and erosion. Trees are good for business. Research shows that consumers respond positively to shopping environments with healthy urban forests and spend more on purchases. Childhood obesity has more than tripled in the past 30 years. Active living is one solution to turn back this trend. Tree lawns contribute to perceptions of more walkable streets, which can promote more physical activity in children and youth. These are just some of the many benefits trees provide for our communities. Whether you live in an urban or rural setting trees are part of your community.”
Learn more about ReLeaf Michigan at