OCC and Pontiac Creative Arts
Center Celebrate Together
(C. Proxmire and Mike McGuinness June 6, 2015)
Two Pontiac-based art programs paired together Friday night for the Oakland Community College Faculty and Student Art Exhibition. The opening featured about 80 pieces of painting, mixed media, pottery and more. The Pontiac Creative Arts Center is at 47 Williams Street. Both PAC and OCC have been around for 50 years.
According to the City of Pontiac website “Since 1965, the Arts Center has served the community in a variety of ways. Ongoing exhibits are presented; classes, summer Confetti Camp and various community events are held during the year. In addition, the Arts Center supports local schools by presenting workshops and performances and by sending artists in to the school to hold art classes.”
OCC also has a campus in downtown Pontiac, located at 17 S. Saginaw St. The center hosts offices for the Director of Public Safety; the Environmental Health and Safety Office; and the Auxiliary Services Manager.
The joint art opening gave visitors a chance to learn about both programs, and to view some fantastic art.
Mingjie Zhang’s “The Last Noodle” was a favorite among attendees, featuring an adorable child with one long noodle dangling from a fork. Tiffany Glover’s “Neurobiology” made art out of science, and Christina Strybis’ Two States of Mind gave a good visualization of psychology.
For more on Pontiac Arts Center go to http://www.pontiac.mi.us/about/creative_arts/about.php.
For more on OCC Pontiac see https://www.oaklandcc.edu/campuses/PC.aspx.
Mike McGuinness is co-creator of the blog Pontiac Pride. Check it out at www.pontiacpride.com.