Renaissance_Unity_Brown_TopExpert to Speak on After-royal_servicesDivorce Issues at Bloomfield Twp. Library June 3
Name: The Never Ending Divorce
Date: June 3rd,  6:30-8:00pm
Bloomfield Township Public Library
1099 Lone Pine Road (at Telegraph)
Bloomfield Township, MI 48302
Fee: $25, Scholarships can be provided for those in need.

CONTACT: Suzi Terebelo 248 420-2728 s_terebelo@msn.com

Description:Sahara ad with wine
The Women’s Divorce Resource Center invites you to this special event, “The Never Ending Divorce”
Are you continuing you legal battle even after your divorce is final? Nationally known Michigan family law attorney, Henry Gornbein, will speak about post-divorce legal issues relating to custody, child support, parenting time, enforcement and change of domicile.
This amazing event is only $25 and we would love to see you there!
Please register in advance by calling 248-707-1564 or visit http://www.womens-divorce.org/2015_june.html