Clawson to Break Ground on New Skate Park
(City of Clawson Press Release, April 29, 2015)
We are excited to announce the groundbreaking for the “Clawson Skate Park” project on May 7, 2015. The new skate park will be a free, outdoor, cement skate park located at the Clawson City Park. Construction of the 9,000 square foot project is scheduled for completion sometime in July.
For the past two and a half years, the members of the Clawson Skate Park Project Committee (CSP) has been working hard toward their goal and it is now a reality. The group was formed in January of 2013 by a dedicated, motivated, and cohesive group of adults and youths working together to cultivate community support and generate awareness to build an outdoor skate park.
The CSP Committee has been persistent in their fundraising efforts and with the addition of monies received from the Park Improvement Bond, that passed by city vote last August, the Phase I build of the skate park will begin next month. Fundraising efforts will continue to support a Phase II build that will involve the remaining space allocated to the project by the city of Clawson.
The new skate park was designed and will be built by Evergreen Skateparks, which is based in Portland, Oregon and was founded by longtime skateboarders, Billy and Catherine Coulon. Evergreen Skateparks is a family-run company that grew out of a simple desire to make the most fun, finely crafted skate parks possible. Craftsmanship and skate-ability remain at the heart of a business that builds concrete skateparks worldwide.
We are thrilled to be able to provide local skateboarders and in-line skaters with a safe, centrally located facility dedicated to their sport.
Please visit the Clawson Skate Park Project website at or, visit our Facebook page to learn more about our upcoming Concert Fundraiser, to keep up with our progress and to learn about our grand opening.
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