Ferndale Stalking Suspect Flees Police, Crashes, Jumps from
Hotel Window and Dies
(compiled, April 24, 2015)
A 56 year old man is dead after leading police on a chase through Oakland County and trying to escape by jumping through a hotel window, according to WXYZ.
The suspect, from Ferndale, is accused of cutting wires to the home of a woman in Rochester. When she called the police, he fled.
After a wild ride through Oakland County, including a crash, the suspect ended up in a hotel near 14 Mile and Stephenson, where police say he jumped from a third story window and died.
For the full story visit http://www.wxyz.com/news/region/oakland-county/ferndale-stalking-suspect-leads-police-through-oakland-county-dies-after-jumping-from-hotel-window.
This story will be updated as we get more information.