Farmington Hills/Farmington
Offer Free Emergency Response Training for Residents
(EPC Press Release, March 7, 2015)
The Farmington Hills/Farmington Emergency Preparedness Commission (EPC) will present a series of Emergency and Disaster Response Training classes every Tuesday from 6:30 – 9 p.m. running from March 24 – April 28 at Fire Station 5/Fire Headquarters, located at 31455 Eleven Mile Road on the City Hall Campus in Farmington Hills. (Please note – class will be held in the Community Room at Farmington Hills City Hall on Tuesday, April 14.) The free training sessions are open to adults and children ages 14 and up, if accompanied by an adult.
The Emergency and Disaster Response Training will prepare citizens to rely on each other when first responders who provide fire and medical services are unable to meet immediate needs. Students will learn what to expect in terms of emergency services, individual responsibility for preparedness, and life saving skills. Topics will include:
Session I – Disaster Preparedness: Appropriate actions before, during, and after a disaster.
Session II – Disaster Fire Suppression: Safe use of fire extinguishers, fire suppression strategies, and hazardous materials awareness.
Session III – Disaster Medical Operations Part 1: Simple techniques to treat airway obstruction, bleeding, and shock.
Session IV – Disaster Medical Operations Part 2: Medical assessments, establishing a treatment area, and performing basic first aid.
Session V – Light Search and Rescue Operations: Strategies, search techniques, rescuer safety, and awareness of electric and natural gas hazards.
Session VI – Disaster Psychology and the Incident Command System: Symptoms experienced by disaster victims and workers, and explanation of the Incident Command System.
To register or for more information, contact EPC Chair Tim Tutak at 248-417-0930 or
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