Looking for TRANS* Artists! –
Call For Entry
Deadline March 6th, 2015
(Compiled, Feb. 26, 2015)
Affirmations is pleased to announce a partnership with Gender-Identity Network Alliance (GNA) and Transgender Michigan (TGMI) in this CALL FOR ENTRY to artists to submit work for consideration for the first annual Transgender Empowerment & Visibility Exhibition, held in the Pittmann-Puckett Gallery. Entries are due, delivered or postmarked by March 6th, 2015. Opening on March 26th, this show will feature a wide array of work by area artists. The Pittman-Puckett Curatorial Committee will select 20 to 30 selected works for group exhibition through April 2015.
“Why is this important? It is said that true art reveals to it’s viewer the soul and experience of the artist. The members of GNA and TGMI are therefore ecstatic and grateful to join in the call for all Transgender and Gendervariant artists to be a part of the Pittman Puckett opening on March 26. Why is this important? “It is a celebration of Self. Doing, by taking ownership of our existence and moving forward in our journey ” Your unique journey holds stories needing to be told and your art will tell those beautiful stories. This is important, because only you can show others the world through your eyes. Please join us in making this opening a success.”
Entry Procedure
• Artists may submit multiple entries for selection.
• Entries will be selected by digital images in JPEG or TIF format submitted on a disc or email preferred.
• One image for each 2-dimensional artwork and up to three images for each 3-dimensional artwork may be submitted.
• All images must be of professional quality.
• Entry form and disc mailed or delivered to Curatorial Committee, Pittmann-Puckett Gallery, 290 W. Nine Mile Rd., Ferndale, Michigan 48207 or email to Program Manager Megh Hollowell via mhollowell@goaffirmations.org.
For more on Affirmations go to www.goaffirmations.org.