Guest Blog: How to Prepare for an Initial Consultation with a Lawyer
(Lisa Schmidt, Schmidt Law Services, PLLC, Feb. 20, 2015)
Before Your Family Lawyer Initial Consultation
A lot of law firms, including Schmidt Law Services, PLLC, offer free initial consultations in family law cases. But what you get out of that consultation will depend on how you prepare for the appointment. Here are 3 questions you should be ready to ask and answer:
What Is Your Goal in Hiring a Lawyer?
The answer to this question is never “a divorce.” Before sitting down with your lawyer for the first time take a serious look at your goals. Are you hoping to keep your house? Make a clean break? Protect your children? Having a clear view of what you’re looking for and communicating that to your lawyer can improve your chances of being satisfied with your results.
What Are You Worried About?
Believe it or not, your initial consultation isn’t about putting your best foot forward. It is easy to want to sweep the problems under the carpet and give your lawyer the sweet and pretty version of your story. But a good lawyer will be able to see the gaps in your presentation. Feigned victimization may get you some initial sympathy, but it will also leave your lawyer ill-prepared to deal with the darker side of your problem. So when you sit down for your consultation, be ready to discuss what the other party is going to say about you – the good, the bad, and the ugly.
What Does Winning Look Like?
Family law, by its nature, doesn’t lend itself to clear winners and losers. Divorce divides the marital estate in half. A custody order always involves compromise, even when it is entered by the judge. That means that you need to know your priorities going in. If you sit down and insist you want it all, your lawyer is probably going to be the one to burst your bubble. But if you have narrowed down your priorities then your attorney can focus on what is most important to you.
Sitting down with a lawyer can be intimidating. For some, it makes real something that they haven’t wanted to deal with for a long time. For others, it may be the first time to stand up for themselves and their rights. By taking the time to ask yourself these questions, you will be able to get a lot more out of your initial consultation and give your lawyer clear direction of what you want.
Lisa J. Schmidt is a family lawyer for Schmidt Law Services, PLLC in Ferndale, Michigan. She emphasizes client engagement and gives each case her individualized attention. If you would like a free initial consultation, contact Schmidt Law Services today. This blog is reprinted with permission from