Go Along with Experts on an Owl Hoot Feb. 27
(Royal Oak Nature Society, Feb. 20, 2015)
Event – Date & Time:
Friday, February 27, 2015 – 7:30pm
The Royal Oak Nature Society presents “Owl Hoot” at Cummingston Park on Friday, February 27th, 2015 beginning at 7:30 pm. Park and meet at Leafdale & Torquay. We will walk into Cummingston and attempt to lure in or have screech & great horned owls answer tape recordings of their calls.
There is no pre-registration or cost for Royal Oak Nature Society public speaker programs & nature walks. For more information on the Royal Oak Nature Society & their programs, please call 248-246-3380, e-mail naturesociety@romi.gov or check out www.romi.gov/nature.
You can write to the Nature Society at 1600 N. Campbell, Royal Oak, MI 48067. To get monthly information about our upcoming programs via e-mail, please sign up to become a General Member. All you need to do to become a General Member (no cost) is to give your name, e-mail & street addresses.
For more event listings go to https://oaklandcounty115.com/events/
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