Jamie Dumas Fundraiser Fraud Suspect Charged
(Farmington Hills Police, Feb. 18, 2015)
The Farmington Hills Police Department announced that the Oakland County Prosecutor’s Office has charged the subject in the Jamie Dumas fundraiser fraud that occurred in late 2014 and early 2015. Jamie Dumas was the victim of a domestic homicide in Southfield that occurred in December 2014. Over $5,000 was donated by individuals to a “Give Forward” webpage created by the subject for the victim’s family. The donated money was never turned over to the family.
The subject is:
Hailey Kristen Anderson, a 33-year-old resident of Farmington Hills
Anderson was charged with Charitable Solicitation Act – Felony Violations punishable by up to Five Years and/or $20,000 .
On February 17, 2015, Anderson was arrested by the Farmington Hills Police Department and was arraigned by 47th District Court Judge Marla Parker. Judge Parker released Anderson on personal bond.
The next court appearance for Anderson is February 25, 2015, at 8:30 AM for the purpose of a pre-exam before 47th District Court Judge James Brady.
NOTE: Police Reports come directly from the Police Department or agency involved and are written by the person or agency listed below the title. We generally run these “as is” or with minimal editing for punctuation, spelling, etc. Suspects should not be presumed guilty. Those needing more information about a case are encouraged to follow up with the reporting agency or court system for the most current information.
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