Toy Gun Used in Attempted
Bank Robbery in Royal Oak
(Royal Oak Police, Feb. 17, 2015)
The Royal Oak Police Department has arrested a bank robbery suspect fleeing from the PNC Bank located at 1710 E. 12 Mile Road. The suspect entered the bank at approximately 9:45 a.m. on Tuesday, February 17, 2015, armed with what turned out to be a toy handgun. When the subject approached a teller, brandished the handgun and demanded money, a customer inside the bank confronted the suspect and attempted to subdue him.
The suspect broke free and fled to a vehicle he had parked several blocks away.
Several witnesses called 911 and provided responding officers with the suspect’s description, direction of travel and vehicle information.
“If not for the witnesses quickly calling police, it is likely this suspect would have gotten away. I would like to commend all the witnesses, including Royal Oak’s own Department of Public Works employees who briefly pursued this suspect on foot,” said Chief Corey O’Donohue.
The suspect is a 62-year-old Ypsilanti resident. He was arrested for armed robbery, which carries a maximum penalty of life in prison. The suspect has a criminal history which dates back to 1970. His prior convictions include Felony Carrying a Concealed Weapon, Felony Larceny in a Building, Felony Larceny from a Vacant Building, and Bank Robbery.
NOTE: Police Reports come directly from the Police Department or agency involved and are written by the person or agency listed below the title. We generally run these “as is” or with minimal editing for punctuation, spelling, etc. Suspects should not be presumed guilty. Those needing more information about a case are encouraged to follow up with the reporting agency or court system for the most current information.
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