M-Brew, Dino’s and 7-Eleven
Offers Help Support Schools
Other Businesses Invited to Help
(C. Proxmire, Feb. 16, 2015)
7-Eleven $500 Contest and Slurpees for Good Grades
With her store sitting on the border of Hazel Park Schools and Ferndale Schools, 7Eleven owner Shellie Hancasky gets to see her fair share of kids and parents. She also has two children, now grown, and there is nothing that makes her happier than watching the neighborhood children growing and succeeding.
“I try to encourage kids when they come in. I ask them about school and if they are getting good grades. I feel like people are so quick to yell at kids when they do bad, but there’s not enough encouragement for them to do good,” she said.
That’s why she came up with the idea to give a free Slurpee to kids who bring in their good report cards. With Project Honor Roll, having good grades matters. Whether it’s all As and Bs,or for the younger kids mostly positive marks, they get a free Slurpee with a limit of one per student per semester.
And to promote Project Honor Roll she’s having a poster contest. Create a poster on 8 ½ x 11 paper or poster board about doing well in school and getting a Slurpee, and the winner will get a $500 donation for a project of their choice at their school. Posters must be turned in by April 30, 2015, with name, grade, school and phone number listed on the back of the poster. All ages and skill levels welcome to participate. Customers will determine the winner. The winner’s poster will also be enlarged and displayed through the 2015/16 school year.
Students in any district may bring in their report card for a free Slurpee, however only students in the Hazel Park or Ferndale Districts are eligible to enter the poster contest. 7Eleven is located at 803 E. 9 Mile, at the corner of Hilton.
M-Brew Donating Part of Delivery Fee to Homecoming & Band
Any time you order a pizza for delivery from M-Brew, they’ll donate 25% of the deliver fee to the Ferndale Golden Eagles Marching Band.
The delivery fee is $4, of which $2 goes to the driver and $1 to the band and $1 to M-Brew to help pay insurance costs. Delivery fees may fluctuate if there are larger orders for catering or longer delivery distances. They are also asking customers if they’d like to donate a matching dollar.
“The Ferndale HS Marching Band is a well oiled machine with a record of excellence that continually impresses the importance of arts and humanities in our community. Supporting the band in their efforts through helping provide funding for their needs for equipment, uniforms and travel is a good fit for M-Brew’s mission of being a family friendly, community involved food, beverage and entertainment facility,” said M-Brew and Dino’s owner Dean Bach. “Not to mention WE LOVE THE MUSIC! My Wife, Denise is a musician and was on her high school choir and Pom Pom Squad.
“It’s a cause that is near and dear to her heart and she is near and dear to mine making this a great family cause. I envy the abilities of all musicians and enjoy the fruits of their talents and labor. With this promotion M-Brew intends to keep with the spirit of our talented community and help keep the Eagles Marching Band rockin as one of the premier HS bands in Michigan.”
Bach’s goal is to $1000 and present the check at FHS’s Home-coming with a donated pizza dinner for the band after the parade. “It’s a three-way win… The band gets a little extra funding, M-Brew may get a few extra customers and the customers will get quality, Michigan inspired food and beverage.” The number to order a pizza is 248-542-2739.
Dine at Dino’s Day is Feb. 26
Dine at Dino’s Day, which is Feb. 26, also helps raise money for the marching band. All daylong 10% of food sales goes towards the band. Stop in for breakfast, lunch or dinner.
Dino’s is located at 22740 Woodward in Ferndale.
Other Opportunities
The Ferndale School District had not been tracking or promoting business support opportunities in any organized manner. Now under the administration of Superintendent Blake Prewitt and Communications Director Bill Good, coordinating all the efforts has begun. Good noted that many businesses have run promotions and are involved in supporting the schools, and that all are valued.
Any local business with donation and fundraising opportunities can contact Bill Good at bill.good@ferndaleschools.org.
Also, we will update this story with any other offers out there. Email editor@oc115.com to be added to the list.
Note: 7-Eleven, M-Brew and Dino’s happen to be sponsors of oc115.com, but the promotions list is open to anyone supporting Ferndale Schools.