OLHSA Walk for Warmth at Great Lakes Crossing Feb. 7

OLHSA Walk for Warmth at Great Lakes Crossing Feb. 7 (OLHSA Press Release, Jan. 25, 2015) Walk for Warmth is a walk-a-thon event. OLHSA, A Community Action Agency will proudly host its 25th annual Walk for Warmth events in 2015! By our side is Genisys Credit Union, our premier event sponsor. Make plans to join…

Nominations Being Accepted for Troy Youth Awards, Deadline Feb. 27

Nominations Being Accepted for Troy Youth Awards, Deadline Feb. 27 (TYA Press Release, Jan. 25, 2015) Troy Youth Assistance is now accepting nominations for recognition of elementary–high school-age youth who reside in Troy or attend school in Troy and have made exemplary contributions to the Troy community. Categories include: ~Exceptional service to others ~Achievement by…

Rep. Howrylak Holds Office Hours: Troy Feb. 21 and Clawson Feb. 23

Rep. Howrylak Holds Office Hours: Troy Feb. 21 and Clawson Feb. 23 (Press Release, Jan. 25, 2015) State Rep. Martin Howrylak will host February district office hours in Troy and Clawson to discuss state and local government with residents of the 41st House District. Howrylak, R-Troy, invites people with questions or suggestions about government to…

Mardi Bras Event Collecting Women’s Items for the Needy Feb. 17

Mardi Bras Event Collecting Women’s Items for the Needy Feb. 17 (Press Release, Jan. 25, 2015) Tuesday Feb 17, 2015, Loving Touch 22634 Woodward Ave, Ferndale 6-9pm Help to provide women without homes and in shelters with the feminine products they need! Please bring donations of new bras, new underwear, tampons, pads, and wet wipes.…

Fire in Novi Destroys 16 Apartments

Fire in Novi Destroys 16 Apartment (C. Proxmire, Jan. 25, 2015) Investigators are trying to determine the cause of a fire that destroyed an apartment building Saturday night near Eight Mile and Meadowbrook. Residents from 16 units evacuated safely, though several animals are unaccounted for, according to WDIV. For more go to http://www.clickondetroit.com/news/firefighters-battle-novi-apartment-building-fire/30906492 Save this…

Women Share Artwork in Gallery Opening in Huntington Woods (video)

Women Share Artwork in Gallery Opening in Huntington Woods (video) (Crystal A. Proxmire, Jan. 24, 2015) The Great Flood of 2104 devastated many in Huntington Woods as backed up sewers flooded basements, destroying property and memories for many of the residents. The flood also hit the local art community hard, as it ruined the Woods…

Police Say Beverly Hills Man Targeted School Drop Offs for Purse Thefts

Police Say Beverly Hills Man Targeted School Drop Offs for Purse Thefts (Birmingham Police, Jan. 24, 2015) On Tuesday, January 20, 2015, at approximately 9 a.m., a suspect was taken into custody for stealing a purse out of a vehicle that was parked in the parking lot of Pierce Elementary School. Information had been obtained…

Ferndale Recreation Dept. and Schools Recognize Families in Youth Programs

Ferndale Recreation Dept. and Schools Recognize Families in Youth Programs (Ferndale Schools, Jan. 23, 2015) Ferndale Public Schools and the Ferndale Recreational Center teamed up this past Tuesday to put on Community Night – a celebration of local families and their participation in Youth Recreational Programming. The event was held during the boys’ varsity basketball…

Oak Park Celebrates Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

Oak Park Celebrates Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. (Cheryl Weiss,  Photography: Marian McClellan Jan. 23, 2015) “What you celebrate, you attract, “declared Nic South, principal of the Oak Park Preparatory Academy, at the Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. celebration on January 19, 2015. Students, parents, staff members, administrators, elected officials, and community members gathered to…

Confirmed Measles Case in Oakland County

Confirmed Measles Case in Oakland County (Oakland County Health Dept, Jan. 23, 2015) Oakland County Health Division announced today that the Michigan Department of Community Health and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention have confirmed a measles case in an adult Oakland County resident. This case may be associated with the recent Disneyland outbreak in…

HUD Review Coming, Changes Happening at Ferndale Housing Commission

HUD Review Coming, Changes Happening at Ferndale Housing Commission (Crystal A. Proxmire, Jan. 21, 2015) On the eve of former Housing Director Deb Wilson’s pre-trial examination, the Ferndale Housing Commission looked at several of the issues that have come to public attention along with the obvious upheaval of her arrest and resignation. Among the issues…

Keeping with King’s Dream RO Twp. Asks What’s Going on? (video)

Keeping with King’s Dream, Royal Oak Twp. Asks What’s Going on? (video) (Crystal A. Proxmire, Jan. 20, 2015) For 25 years, Royal Oak Township has hosted a celebration in honor of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr, and while the event was a fitting tribute, the speakers also raised painful topics for the community to consider.…

Couple’s Night at the Warming Center Changes Lives, Particularly Their Own

Couple’s Night at the Warming Center Changes Lives, Particularly Their Own (View by Nan Kerr-Mueller and Chris Mueller, Jan. 20, 2015) Nan:   Helping people fills my bucket, but for whatever reason the idea of volunteering at a warming center was intimidating to me. Last Friday, Chris and I thought we had plans to go out;…