Ferndale Recreation Dept. and
Schools Recognize Families in Youth Programs
(Ferndale Schools, Jan. 23, 2015)
Ferndale Public Schools and the Ferndale Recreational Center teamed up this past Tuesday to put on Community Night – a celebration of local families and their participation in Youth Recreational Programming.
The event was held during the boys’ varsity basketball game, which included a brilliant halftime demonstration of the Little Eagles Youth Basketball League in an exhibition game, which provided youngsters an opportunity to show off their talents.
Attendees to Community Night were encouraged to stop by the Recreation table to receive information on upcoming spring programs, such as youth soccer, youth baseball, Kids Corner, Messy Mondays, and a plethora of Adult and Senior programs.
In addition to leagues and programs, The Ferndale Recreation Center offers a fitness center, an eclectic assortment of classes and administration of several activities that are clean, green, safe, and accessible throughout our 15 community parks.
For more information about Ferndale Schools, surf over to www.ferndaleschools.org.
For more information on Ferndale Recreation, log onto www.ferndalemi.gov.