Farmington Police Report Increase in Package TheftsHowesLocation
(Farmington Police Report, Jan. 11, 2015)
The Farmington Public Safety Department is advising residents that our department has taken 5 reports of larceny of delivered packages off door steps and porches in the last 2 weeks. These packages are delivered to the homes porch or seed029_keyser_familydoorstep by UPS, FEDEX, or The United States Postal Service and stolen prior to the homeowner retrieving their packages. At this time, we do not have any suspect information. We ask that you remain vigilant and report any suspicious situations to our department immediately so that we can follow-up as soon as possible.
NOTE:  Police Reports come directly from the Police Department or agency involved and are written by the person or agency listed below the title.  We generally run these “as is” or with minimal editing for punctuation, spelling, etc. Suspects should not be presumed guilty. Those needing more information about a case are encouraged to follow up with the reporting agency or court system for the most current information.
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