Troy Youth Assistance Active Parenting Class Oct. 18
(Troy Youth Assistance Press Release, Oct. 10, 2014)
Troy Youth Assistance is presenting a three-hour parenting class on Saturday, Oct. 18, 2014 from 9am to 12:15am at Stone Haven Free Methodist Church at 1349 Wattles Road, between Crooks and Coolidge. In the class participants will learn ways to raise responsible, cooperative children who are best able to resist negative peer pressure. The class will help parents and guardians learn to help children cope with bullying, redirect children when they misbehave, defuse power struggles, encourage children to be their best, cope with difficult topics, stimulate independence, teach responsibility and use non-violent discipline techniques that work.
There is no cost for the program, but an optional workbook is $15 available at the class. Advance registration is preferred. Call 248-823-5095 or email to register or if you have questions.