Free Seminar for Seniors to Cover Many Topics Oct. 8
(Oakland County Press Release, Oct. 2, 2014)
Nancy Martens, founder and chief caring officer of ElderCompass, will be the keynote speaker at a free one-day conference for seniors and their advocates on Wednesday, Oct. 8 at Walsh College’s Troy Campus. She will discuss how to be better prepared for changes inherent to aging and the wisdom one needs to successfully navigate the senior years.
Other topics for the event, hosted by the Oakland County Senior Advisory Council and Walsh College, will include: emergency preparedness, home modifications, advance directives, and health. There will also be walk-in demonstration rooms for attendees to learn more about exercise, nutrition and technology. Topics were determined from surveys the council sent to seniors at senior care organizations throughout the county.
“As the Baby Boomers reach their golden years, one-quarter of Oakland County’s residents will be seniors by 2030,” Oakland County Executive L. Brooks Patterson said. “We want to ensure that Oakland County’s seniors have an outstanding quality of life and resources that enable them to have a healthy and active lifestyle.”
The conference runs from 9:30 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. Walsh College’s Troy Campus is located at 3838 Livernois. There will be a lunch sponsored by Ciena Healthcare. Registration is limited to 160 individuals. For reservations or more information, visit or call 248-858-4902.
About Oakland County Senior Advisory Council
Seniors are an important part of the Oakland County community. Oakland County Executive L. Brooks Patterson formed the Oakland County Senior Advisory Council (SAC) to ensure Oakland County is a place where seniors have a high quality of life enriched by volunteering and other activities. The Council consists of 25 members, one from each Commissioner district and four members-at-large with special expertise that meet monthly. As part of its strategic plan, yearly goals include providing resources and opportunities to Oakland County’s growing senior population. Accomplishments include uniting with AAA 1-B by consolidating and curtailing duplication of information in a dedicated space in the ACCESS newsletter. For more information, visit