Royal Oak’s Fall Perennial Plant Exchange Sept. 27
(Royal Oak Press Release, Sept. 18, 2014)
Here is a way to add to your collection of perennials, the Fall Perennial Plant Exchange! Just bring your plants to the Mahany/Meininger Senior Community Center from 9:00am to 11:00am. They should be LABELED and in pots or plastic baggies, tables will be provided (no trees or woody shrubs, please). Plants can be given away or traded. The plants exchange will be held inside, so come rain or shine!
Tips for the exchange: It helps move things along if you make a list of the plants you have, and a list of some of the plants you would like to get (some people wear their list around their neck for better visibility).
The Mahany/Meininger Senior Community Center is located at 3500 Marais, just north of 13 Mile Rd, between Crooks and Main.
Ferndale is also having their Perennial Exchange on Sept. 27 –
For more event listings go to
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