Oak Park Releases Guide for Residents
(Crystal A. Proxmire, Sept. 8, 2014)
After years without an update, The City of Oak Park has released a new, comprehensive “Resident Guide.” This 22-page document has plenty of information about Oak Park, is useful for new residents and those who have been here for a while.
“The resident guide provides our residents with tools they can use to connect to resources in and around our community,” said City Manager Erik Tungate. “We redeveloped our guide because we wanted to take the opportunity to arm our residents with the information they’ll need.”
Starting with the basics, the Resident’s Guide lets readers know that their city is 5.16 square miles, with 29,319 residents, 2,765 businesses, and a 59% home ownership rate. There are three school districts that are in part of the city: Oak Park Schools, Berkley Schools and Ferndale Schools.
The guide also has a map of the 16 precincts for elections, and lets residents know how to register to vote, and how to request an absentee ballot. City administration and elected officials are listed in the guide, along with information that council meetings are held on the 1st and 3rd Mondays at 7pm at City Hall, in the Gerald E. Naftaly Municipal Complex at 14000 Oak Park Blvd. Residents who want to get involved might consider serving on one of the City’s 24 boards and commissions.
Oak Park is home to 20, beautiful public parks with community access to children’s playscapes, basketball and tennis courts, baseball fields, nature trails and picnic shelters. Annual events like Summer Fest, Spooktacular and the Father and Daughter Dance add to the enriching Oak Park atmosphere and there are many recreation programs available, including an ice arena, sledding hill, swimming pool and a variety of team sports.
Plenty of information is available about code enforcement too, including what to do about vacant homes and code violations Oak Parkers may also not realize that there is a limit on the number of pets per home, being no more than three dogs and/or cats per residence, and each of them must be licensed.
The Resident Guide also explains tax and water bill questions, addresses how to get a gun permit, what recycling and waste options are available, what fun things there are to do in the area, where city buildings are and much more.
The City of Oak Park’s website has a wealth of information, but the Resident Guide puts the most frequently asked questions together in one place. Download the “Resident’s Guide” by clicking here.
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