Confusion over Ferndale Polling Locations Due to Mailing Error
(Crystal A. Proxmire, Aug. 2, 2014)
Some Ferndale residents received a letter in error about a change in their polling place. Due to an error in printing labels, voters in District 1 received a letter intended for voters in District 2.
The letter was to notify voters in Precinct 2 of construction at Ferndale High School. Due to the construction they must use the door at the north side of the building when they go to vote…
“Unfortunately, the letter was mailed to voters in Precinct 1 by mistake,” said City Clerk Cherilynn Brown.
Brown and City staff rushed Friday to get correction letters in the mail.
“We just finished mailing new letters to voters in Precinct 1 clarifying the issue. We have also mailed the Precinct 2 letter to the voters in Precinct 2,” Brown said.
Additionally there will be signage at Ferndale High School and election workers will be able to assist voters who are confused.
Precinct 1 voters should go to the Kulick Center. Precinct 2 voters should go to Ferndale High School.
To check your polling location or for other election information go to The City of Ferndale’s website at