Pleasant Ridge Adopts Resolution Supporting Proposal 1
(Crystal A. Proxmire, June 25, 2014)
EDITORS NOTE: For balance we ran a guest column on opposition to Proposal 14-1. Read that opinion at
At their most recent City Commission meeting, Pleasant Ridge officials passed a resolution in support of Proposal 1, which will be on the Aug. 5 primary ballot.
Proposal 1 eliminates the personal property tax and replaces funding to cities by eliminating special corporate tax breaks and with a statewide Essential Services Assessment paid only by manufacturers receiving a PPT reduction. The goal is to stabilize funding for local governments and help small businesses.
“A YES vote solves two major problems without raising taxes,” said Pleasant Ridge Mayor Kurt Metzger. “First, the proposal keeps in place the Michigan Legislature’s bipartisan work to end the antiquated, unfair double tax on personal property, which most neighboring states don’t have. And second, the proposal creates a stable, reliable funding system for Michigan communities to pay for police, fire, ambulances, jails, schools, libraries, roads and other important services.”
“With this resolution, the Pleasant Ridge City Commission urges a YES vote on Proposal 1 to stabilize local communities and get rid of an unfair tax on our local small businesses – all without raising anyone’s taxes,” Metzger said in a Michigan Municipal League press release. MML is one of several organizations, including AARP, Michigan Sheriff’s Association, and other cities like Northville, Mt. Pleasant and Walker, that have endorsed Proposal 1.
Michigan Citizens for Safe and Strong Communities is the group behind the petition which put this issue on the ballot. Their website is
The bipartisan coalition of tens of thousands of Michiganders from across the state says the double tax on local small businesses is unfair, and that proposal 1 will provide “more stable funding for local services, including police, fire, ambulances, schools, jails, libraries and roads.” Members include representatives from local government, small business, labor, education, law enforcement, and other state and local leaders.
The Pleasant Ridge proposal also notes that “no other state in our region taxes business equipment the way Michigan does and most of those states don’t tax it at all, which makes Michigan significantly less competitive when it comes to job creation and business investment.”
The complete resolution can be found in the City’s agenda packet at
For more details about Proposal 1, including ballot language and related data, go to,_Proposal_1_%28August_2014%29.
Read a column opposing 14-1 at