Transit Hub Potential at Old State Fairgrounds, Public Meeting June 26
(Crystal A. Proxmire, June 20, 2014)
What plans does Magic Plus, LLC have for including transit in their development project at the old Michigan State Fair Grounds? A public meeting on June 26 from 6-9pm at the Northwest Activities Center at 18100 Meyers Road should answer some questions.
According to The Woodward Avenue Action Association, “The redevelopment of the 162 acre Michigan State Fairgrounds has the potential to advance regional transit – connecting two dozen communities via local and rapid bus transit with commuter rail to Metro Airport, Ann Arbor, Chicago and beyond if designed with a multi-modal transit hub.”
According to MLive, Magic Plus, LLC is a development led by former basketball star Magic Johnson. Magic Plus, LLC paid $4.65 million in August for the property located at 8 Mile and Woodward Avenue.
The plan was to have 500,000 square feet of retail and housing. “Of the 20 buildings currently on the property, all structures except for the Coliseum, Joe Dumar’s Fieldhouse, the State Fair Band shell and the Dodge pavilion would be demolished and removed from the site,” MLive reported.
Documents associated with Magic Plus, LLC’s purchase and plans are on the State of Michigan’s website at,3190,7-298-61310-295712–,00.html.
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