2014 – County Commissioner 10th District
The Oakland County115 News provides three levels of election info. All candidates are listed. Candidates may return a questionnaire without cost to provide more information. For a small fee they may add their website, advertisement and endorsement list. The fee for enhanced listings helps fun this community news project.
The oc115 is nonpartisan, and we do not endorse any candidates. If you are a candidate and would like to add information, please contact Crystal Proxmire at editor@oc115.com.
ALL election stories can be found at https://oaklandcounty115.com/category/election-information/.
Vote for not more than one – two year term
Katrina Barr, Republican
Andy Pettress, Republican
David Bowman, Democrat
Brenda Carter, Democrat
Roland A. Elam Jr., Democrat
Gloria Miller, Democrat
Alexandria T. Riley, Democrat
David Watkins, Democrat