Be Part of the Seeds of Support Campaignseed04_galloway
Sign up now to get your own custom ad!
Conditions are growing worse in the corporate news landscape. Cutbacks in journalism jobs including the shutdown of traditional publications and the de-staffing of AOL’s Patch chain have left news deserts, places where citizens are thirsty for a local, sustainable journalism. Can you imagine a democracy without good journalism?
That is where you come in. As someone who understands the value of journalism, you can see there is a need for the oc115to fill. We are the grassroots answer to the corporate news desert.
seed02_sharon chessBut we can’t do it alone. The oc115 needs readers who are able to pledge a monthly “seed of support” to keep our community news site thriving in the news desert environment.

Sign up for a monthly subscription at http://oaklandcounty115.com/reader-support/, and get your own custom “seed of support” ad. Subscriptions can be cancelled at any time, and we’re grateful for however long you can be part of the oc115.

(Business sponsorships are available too, with additional perks, at http://oaklandcounty115.com/sponsorshipadvertising/.)seed03_ann_warner

Also, think of who else you know that would support local media, and forward this on to them! Our goal is to get 115 seeds of support so that the oc115 can flourish, hire more writers, and continue changing the landscape of local news.

If you prefer to pay by check, mail to “Ferndale 115, PO Box 20293, Ferndale, MI 48220” One-time payments can be made through the Pay Pal to the right.
Thanks for your support,
Crystal A. Proxmire
Editor & Publisher, oc115.com


seed09_robert_wittenbergseed06_joann_willcock seed022_third_wave_matrixseed08_jodi_berger seed11_monte_albertseed010_eric_dickerson seed012_francine_hachemseed018andrew_cissellseed05_jen_kat_latoschseed024_jeannie_davis_from_loriseed01_bridget and kevin deegan krause seed013_larry_and_monica_mills seed021_helaine-zackseed014_melinda_hicks_family seed015_kathryn_balcer seed016_goedert_familyseed019_Cherie_Rolfeseed020_heather_coleman_voss seed017_darlene_bignottiseed023_petcare_au_pair