The Life of Ferndale Chickens #3 – Chicken AcrobaticsHowesLocation
(Jillian Bogater, orig. Chicken Scratch Fever, April 17, 2014)
BACKGROUND: Jillian Bogater and Matt Greenberg are cooped up in Ferndale, which in 2012 legalized backyard chickens. This is their first time urban farming with hens. Jillian, a professional journalist, and Matt, a brownfield redevelopment consultant, added three chicks to their household in Spring 2014. On andrew cissel ad in suitMarch 17 they picked up a Black French Copper Marans, a Dominique and an Olive Egger from a hatchery in Ohio. They have built a Detroit-style Wichita Cabin Coop, which passed inspection in January. Their full journey is chronicled on chickenscratchfever.com. Selected posts will be here on oc115!
“MATT?!?! Can you come downstairs?” I had to scream it three times before he heard me. “I’ve got a chicken on my back!”
He found me bent over at the waist, with Gigi proudly perched on top of me.
“How did that happen?” he asked, not expecting an answer. He gently cupride2014adpped her gray feathers with both hands, and brought her to his chest.
Gone are the days when I could pick up a chick with one hand. They are growing like weeds, and quickly start flapping their wings if we don’t hold them just right. In this case, I tried to hold Gigi with one hand so I could rub her chest with the other. In no time she escaped my grasp, and scurried up to my shoulder. In a blink of the eye, she walked down my back.
Just moments before all three girls has been sleeping. They had a long day — almost five hours — out in the coop. We even seed010_eric_dickersonhad visitors, some friends who soon will build their own chicken coop. Their two boys had a blast crawling through the sand playing with the chicks. After our friends left, the chicks continued to fly back and forth, testing their wings, and chasing each other. No doubt they were tuckered out.
Once I brought them inside, I had a special surprise: Watermelon! Their first non-chick food treat. I cut out a wedge for them and put it in the brooder. They walked bydda_ad_05 it, indifferent. I was flummoxed.
So after an hour, I sprinkled some of their chick food on top, and they instantly started pecking away. Soon they discovered the sweet red flesh, and gleefully pecked small holes in the watermelon.
So after all of that excitement, no wonder they were pooped.
For now, I will let them get their rest.
What’s that saying about letting a sleeping bird lie? Good advice. Unless I’m up for some chicken acrobatics.
Read Part #1 here – http://oaklandcounty115.com/2014/04/01/the-life-of-ferndale-chickens-1-the-babies-are-home-2/.
Read Part #2 here – http://oaklandcounty115.com/2014/04/09/the-life-of-ferndale-chickens-2-field-trip/