Road Diets and Bike Lanes Coming to Ferndale this Spring
(Crystal A. Proxmire, March 31, 2014)
NOTE: Full image of the above plan, and other plans, available at
As the weather changes this spring, so too with the face of two of Ferndale’s streets. E. 9 Mile and Livernois are getting facelifts and road diets, with inclusion of bike lanes to fit in with the city’s complete streets planning.
“Making our streets work for people and cyclists, not just cars, has been a long time city vision supported by residents. The recent Ferndale Moves plan reinforces that bike lanes and safer streets are goals shared by a majority of residents and businesses. The Livernois project will enhance the quality of life for the neighborhoods along it and make the corridor more attractive for businesses,” said Councilperson Melanie Piana who has long been an advocate for Complete Streets and improved public transit.
Construction is expected to begin in April that will take E. 9 Mile from Woodward to West End from four lanes of traffic down to three – two travel lanes and one turn lane. The “road diet” will leave extra room for buffered bike lanes, landscaped medians and crossing islands. E. 9 Mile will be completely resurfaced with the design elements added in, meaning that construction could last though the summer.
On Livernois, grant money will be used to create on-street parking and reduce Livernois to two lanes from 8 Mile to 9 Mile. The parking will help as new business develop the Livernois corridor. There will also be a mid-block crossing added between 8 Mile and Fielding to make it safer for bicyclists and pedestrians, along with buffered bike lanes along the mile-long stretch. This project is not a complete resurfacing, but a more simple matter of repainting the lanes and adding in the crossing.
The City of Ferndale launched their Ferndale Moves! program in December as a way to solicit public feedback on project that affect how people walk, ride and drive through the city. The website give information on current projects, proposed plans and ideas, and methods for citizen feedback.
Mayor Dave Coulter is excited about the changes. “Making Ferndale more accessible for bikes and pedestrians is an important part of our overall transportation plan. We learned in the 1990s downtown that reducing traffic lanes and adding other features doesn’t detract from people’s experience, in enhances it. And we’ve seen business development follow along the way,” he said.
For more information, including the plans for both projects, visit
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