Mayor Penny Luebs Gives Clawson State of City Address (video)
(Crystal A. Proxmire, March 24, 2014)
In “the little city with the big heart,” Mayor Penny Luebs says “we create energy in the day to day activities of living a good life.” Since being elected Mayor of Clawson in 2007, Luebs and other city leaders have struggled through tough times and managed to make improvements in the community. She described these things in her State of the City Address last week at Clawson City Hall.
In 2013 a new business-friendly focus helped attract 14 new businesses including City Style Tango, Clawson Antiques, Faded Raven Boutique, and RJ’s Diner. Faymous Chicken also re-opened under new ownership.
“We initiated a business friendly process of scheduling prospective business applicants on Thursday mornings when out building director, planner and engineer were all available at the same time, at the same table, to answer questions,” Luebs said.
A volunteer group of residents and business owners met to consider economic development plans for the city, and came back with the recommendation to hire a part time staffer to focus solely on economic development.
Mayor Luebs welcomed the idea, stating “We do have so many things to offer, whether its work related, business related, park related, in our Downtown and different areas in Clawson.”
2013 was a busy year for the police department as they handled over 5,000 calls and made 660 arrests. And residents in the city voted on a rubbish removal tax that will prevent $738,000 from being taken out of the general fund to remove garbage. A $2.6 million energy efficient building improvement plan also began in 2013 which will make all city buildings more “green.”
Leubs informed residents of how their tax dollar is being spent in Clawson. The biggest expense is the police department, at 31%. Retiree health and pension costs are 20%. City hall and staff are 15%. Parks and Recreation is 9%. DPW is 7%. Building Department is 7%. Fire Department is 5%. Senior programming gets 3%. Street lighting gets 3%, and less than half a percent goes for youth programs, the historical museum and cable program.
Looking forward to 2014, Mayor Leubs says there will be pedestrian crossing islands on 14 Mile Road thanks in part to an MDOT grant, new restroom facilities at Grant Park and new playground equipment at Parkland Park.
“In Clawson we do strive to collaborate, create and connect,” she said. “A real decision is measured by the fact that you’ve taken action. If there’s no action, you haven’t decided.” The last line, a quote originating from an unknown author, inspires Leubs and other city leaders to keep moving forward and developing their “little city with a big heart.”
For more information about the City of Clawson, visit