Lt. Governor Calley Talks to College Republicans (video)
(Crystal A. Proxmire, March 8, 2014)

Lt. Governor Brian Calley visited Oakland University Friday to meet with the College Republicans and talk about issues important essentialto him in his past three years of working in the executive branch with Governor Rick Snyder.  Calley is hoping to be elected again by the delegates within the Republican Party at their upcoming state convention.
Calley noted the tough position Michigan is in.  “We found ourselves at the bottom of every list you’d want to be at the top of, and the top of every list you’d rather be at the bottom of,” he said.  Debt was a big reason, he said, adding “we also had a very uncompetitive environment in our state – over regulated, over taxed, and labor laws that were very uncompetitive.  Also, so when you put all these factors together it created an environment that really constricted growth…
“We saw the exodus of an entire generation.  People had to leave to find opportunity.”
One of his solutions has been to look at removing regulations on businesses.  “A major part of my focus over Street-Eatzz-Adthe last three years is getting the government to stop doing the things we don’t need to do.  We have more than 1,500 fewer regulations than we did three years ago,” he said.  “What are we doing? Why are we doing it?  Do we still need to do it?  And if we decide we still need to do it, how can we do it better, be more responsive, and provide better customer service?
“I thought I was pretty clever when I first ran for office and said ‘I think we’re over regulated. We have too many regulations already.  I think every time somebody wants to add a regulation you should have to repeal one.  Well, the Governor had a different idea.  he said, how about we repeal five for every one?  And that’s what our record is.” The Office of Regulatory Reinvention lists rescinded rules, 41 in total since 2011, which can be found at http://www.michigan.gov/documents/lara/Rescinded_Rules_Log_407751_7.pdf.
Where the administration has stepped in is in creating Pure Michigan Business Connect, and nicholas-schrock-allstateCommunity Ventures.  Pure Michigan Business Connect is a networking system for Michigan companies to connect with other Michigan companies for products and services. Community Ventures helps chronically unemployed individuals find jobs.
Calley also responded to a question about declining revenue sharing to cities, stating “the thing that is really making it difficult in local jurisdictions today is that property values have fallen, so that’s their bread and butter.  Revenue sharing from the State, that’s an important factor but that’s not the thing that drives most of their budgets… First of all, we’re in a position now where we can make strategic investments and so when we support local government it’s no longer just blank checks, that there are best practices that have to be adhered to in order to receive the money now.  It’s an innovation in the way accountability is happening.
“But then on top of that I think longer term it’s just an improved economy will create demand for the property itself, whether its commercial property or residential property and that is where the recovery of local government finances will come from.”  Recently Southfield, Royal Oak and Ferndale passed resolutions asking the State to restore funding that was taken away from the cities in order to pass the state budget.  (http://oaklandcounty115.com/2014/02/09/southfield-ferndale-and-royal-oak-urge-state-to-restore-funding/)
Calley’s speech brought students and supporters out to Oakland University, and helped raise funds for the sidebar01reader_supportCollege Republicans.  Chairperson Andrew Baker said the group brought in the Lt. Governor because “he’s a great guy.  He’s done a lot for our state.  He’s very personable, a great person to get students out to an event.”  Baker said the club has 25-30 members.
Calley’s opponent Wes Nakagiri of Hartland also worked the crowd, claiming that Calley was not true to the party platform because he did not oppose ObamaCare, strengthen voter ID laws, strengthen gun rights, oppose common core curriculum in education, or support abortion insurance opt-outs.  “The biggest contrast is my embracing of the platform and my willingness to stick up for it,” Nakagiri said. “I would say that I don’t see anything in the platform that I am in disagreement with.  So, no, I wouldn’t change anything.”
Republican Party delegates will determine the Lt. Governor candidate at their August 23, 2014 State Convention.